Back to School Event Ideas for Fundraising

Raising funds can come from the admission; you can include concession stands from local vendors for an extra boost. Getting creative through compelling fundraiser ideas puts the ‘fun’ in a fundraiser while adding new, impactful, and unique elements to your brand’s pursuit. There are hundreds of ideas for you to choose from; we’ve made it simple by creating a list of fundraising ideas that can be tailored-fit to your ultimate purpose and big ideas. Fundraising has always been a great way to engage an audience while helping you build a sense of community to inspire and spark creativity.
Show students’ parents and the whole community the wonderful art your students are creating by selling student art online. Contact florists or farmstands in your area and see if they will donate flowers you can sell at school or donate part of the proceeds of their flower sales on a certain date. You can even expand the offerings to include plants, gardening tools, supplies and other items for the spring season. Host the show at school and charge family and community members for tickets to see the students show off their costumes and creativity.
Your auction is sure to be a wild success with these top 9 PTA/PTO auction item ideas. If you’re a fan of seeing the most recent movies, you know the prices can add up quickly. Give your guests the option to give back to their school instead of paying $15 for each movie they go see.
For example, you could challenge people to do the ice bucket challenge or to wear their pajamas to school for a day. With a dog wash, you can raise money and wash and pamper some of your community’s furry friends. For spirit week, students and staff can dress up in their school colors or team jerseys to show off their school spirit. To make it more fun, you can divide the students into teams. The team with the most coins at the end of the day wins a prize as well.
The 15 creative ideas in this blog include ideas that are COVID-friendly and easy to pull together quickly for an end-of-the-season fundraising push. However, it also includes those that might take a little more time to pull together and may prove more without COVID restrictions. Either way, these ideas will help you get a jump start and raise money for your football team. A giving day is designated when an organization or school collects donations all day. Often, a fundraising thermometer is used to monitor the progress and share how much has been raised. Because many companies offer programs to match employees’ donations, many of your parents can likely double their donations on giving day instantly.
Have your staff and students volunteer to wash the cars of parents and other visitors in exchange for a small donation. This is usually fun for students while you get to make sure they also raise money for your school. This makes it easy for your school and staff to make arrangements and know the headcount. The best way to do this is to create a simple event page online and add ticket levels as per your pricing strategy. Then, sell tickets to the picnic and manage the sold tickets and purchasers’ information at the backend. Transform this classic, old-time favorite activity into something that can serve the fundraising needs of your school.
Charge people to participate in the pageant and charge others to attend the event. A school can solicit donations from local businesses or individuals. Like a sports fundraiser, an obstacle course event can involve the whole community in raising money for your middle school.
Ask students to donate different used household items that they no longer need. You can gather all of these items in your school and sell them to interested persons at giveaway prices. Students and teachers can participate in this event, and you can charge a small fee for event attendees. At the event venue, you can set up donation stands and boxes to collect individual contributions. Ask school fundraiser companies to donate different items of value for your scavenger hunt.